This is a pre-owned Mulberry cobalt blue leather Bayswater top handle handbag. She features gold metal hardware, the designers signature logo on the turn lock clasp plate, and a lock and key.
Retail $1,150.00
Item Condition - Good. The exterior of the bag is clean with marks on the backside of the bag which are shown in the pictures. The gold metal hardware is shiny and bright and does have minor scratches which are shown in the pictures. The interior of the bag does have marks which are shown in the pictures.
Measurements 13.12” wide x 10” tall x 6” deep. The handles measure 18.4” around.
Interior - There is one large zip pocket and two open pockets.
Product Made In - England
Includes - Dust cover and product care booklet.
Mulberry is a registered trademark of Mulberry. JDEX Styles is not affiliated affiliated with or associated with Mulberry.